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looking for:friends, dating a man
distance:80 km

I'm happy, sincere and optimistic person, affectionate, fun and easy-going, and a good sense of humor. I enjoy a healthy lifestyle, I always make sure that I do it because I know that is necessary for me to be healthy, I feel good doing physical activities. I try to be different all the time, love to learn something new, respect other feelings and opinions. I love children; they bring happiness in our lives. I am sociable and like to have my family and friends around me. I am open-minded and goal-oriented as I am serious about finding the love of my life.

I'm seeing my future soul mate as a unique individual with his own needs and desires. I just hope that he will be loving and caring, faithful and reliable. I know that I will support my man in all possible ways and be there for him both when he is joyful, light-hearted and when he is sad or cranky. I will help him to achieve his goals and move forward in life. nancymidnshwife AT mail com . I will appreciate if he is honest, easy-going, genuine and kind.

what FREELIKEBIRD would like to do on a first date:

FREELIKEBIRD's profession:

FREELIKEBIRD's interests:
Love, Sex, Honest..

height:5' 6" (168 cm)
would you date someone under 4'10" tall?yes
body type:average
hair color:brown
eyes color:blue
do you still live with your parents?I live in an appartment with roomate(s)
do you own a car?no
marital status:single
do you have children?no
would you date someone who has children?yes
do you want children?undecided
your religion:catholic
do you like metal (the musical genre)?I'm a metal head! lml
are you vegan?sometimes
do you drink alcohol?sometimes
do you smoke cigarette?no
do you smoke pot?no
do you take other drugs?no
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